We arrived home from camping yesterday. We really needed a get family away. The school year seemed long, and we had a lot of changes. Although the campsite #Camperland at #bridalfalls is within close proximity to our home, with three kids and two dogs, everything can seem so far.
buying camping groceries (on budget)
then more packing
packing dogs
packing more things, oh yah its Canada Day long weekend
Then the travel day and the whining can be a bit much.
“Are we there yet.”
“I have to go pee,”
“I'm hungry”
I recommend #Loops they are fantastic ear plugs
And then there is you. Did you even brush your teeth? Did you shave your legs? The first a yes answer, the second a hard no and did I bring a razor? Did I pack a swimsuit? Will I even wear one? Please don't forget about you.
That was the start of our 3 day camping trip oh so close by. I used to be more organized with kids being toddlers because you always need diapers, Sippies and snacks. The diaper bag was always packed full. I actually miss those days.
The snacks don't change mind you but the older they get I honestly was hoping this would become a more “independent” and pack their own. No such luck.
Luckily a bag of pistachios was in my purse, so mommy shared her 10-day old “healthy” snacks which were quickly rejected.
The puppy did not “woof” her cookies so that was FANTASTIC

drive despite the lack of snacks and constant peanut gallery complaints.
What I did not mention is that we (I mean I) did not want to drink alcohol on this trip because I had a deadline for another writing project that I may not have mentioned to anyone as “Mommy is always working.” #MOMGUILT
So, with a deadline luring over my head, I knew I would have to coordinate the afternoons to myself. This was weighing on me heavily and the WIFI was terrible even though I had to pay for it and write from a place in the 30 plus heat.
I did miss a few things, but I have an amazing friend group that stepped in when I needed them the most. My amazing husband, got to be fun dad at the Waterslides and at the arcade.
Sometimes we have to make choices and again lower our expectations and just get things done. We are human. We are moms, friends, sisters, lovers, wives, partners, snack forgetters.
So, let's just cut ourselves some slack. Its Summer! Camping, Road trip, outside play or inside whatever. Make sure you have a snack in your purse for you!
Here's to Summer 2023!